
Eagle Athletics at Edison
Two thousand years ago, Juvenal wrote, ‘mens sana in corpore sano,’ which translates to ’a sound mind in a sound body.’ The connection between participation in sports and success in academics and life is evident in extensive research spanning decades. In fact, children who are physically active are 15% more likely to attend college. At Edison Private School, we firmly believe that nurturing both the mind and the body of the student is the key to greater success. Our Eagles soar in many arenas. Students can join the basketball or volleyball teams at both the middle school and high school levels.
At the middle school level, Edison offers boys’ basketball and volleyball teams, and a girls’ volleyball team. High school students can also try out for the basketball and volleyball teams. Girls’ volleyball especially has an excellent reputation at both the middle school and high school levels.
We encourage our students to be active and learn how to move their bodies and compete in healthy ways. At Edison, our goal is always your student’s success. Student-athletes are more likely to go on to earn notably higher incomes than their non-athletic peers. Contact us to find out more about our world-class sports programs.