Educational Technology
At Edison Private School we make use of technology to ensure that the learning experience is an active one. Our curriculum is focused on keeping students engaged and interested in creation and discovery. Educational technology is central to the fulfillment of our academic program.
Beginning in sixth grade, all students begin to explore the basics of robotics and computer programming. Laptops and iPads are available for use throughout the campus, allowing students to access research, educational software, and applications to collaborate and appropriately submit work.
Interactive and adaptive teaching tools such as iReady, Achieve 3000, and Khan Academy help students personalize their learning to ensure they strengthen knowledge where it is most needed.
Teachers and students have access to whatever technology helps them think and learn, but Edison Private School does not emphasize technology trends over tradition. We are proud of how our teachers and students explore the use of new technologies that allow them to access information and connect to create new tools that help a 50+-year-old pedagogy of inquiry prevail.

Frequently Asked Questions
What additional learning support does my child receive at Edison Private School?
Edison Private School students receive extracurricular classes such as athletics, art appreciation, and use of technology that support basic learning and increase their cognitive and physical skills.
What does the educational technology education program refer to?
At Edison Private School we focus our curricula on the learning and development of cognitive, emotional, and physical skills of each student. The curricula integrate the use of technology to enable students to learn how to use technology to further their educational preparation.
What does Edison Private School do about bullying?
At Edison Private School we have a policy against discrimination and harassment against employees and students. Harassment and/or discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, ethnicity, religion, disability, genetic information, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or social and family background is strictly prohibited.